Portal Directory Structure

When you install portal it will create 3 directories AppServer, PortalServer and wp_profile. The AppServer directory is used for WAS 6.1.

This is how the PortalServer directory looks like. This directory is ready only.

of C:\WebSphere\PortalServer
03/10/2009 07:18 AM <DIR> .
03/10/2009 07:18 AM <DIR> ..
02/27/2009 12:07 PM <DIR> ap
02/27/2009 12:07 PM <DIR> base
03/06/2009 08:59 AM <DIR> bin
02/27/2009 12:07 PM <DIR> bp
02/27/2009 12:07 PM <DIR> cmapi
03/10/2009 10:01 AM 7,072 CompositeApp.xml
02/27/2009 12:07 PM <DIR> doc
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> ext
02/27/2009 11:23 AM <DIR> firstSteps
03/12/2009 07:27 AM <DIR> installableApps
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> installer
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> jcr
02/27/2009 11:23 AM <DIR> license
02/27/2009 03:06 PM <DIR> log (Install Time logs only)
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> lwo
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> lwp04.infra
03/10/2009 10:01 AM 4,130 Mail.xml
02/27/2009 01:08 PM <DIR> migration
02/27/2009 12:24 PM <DIR> package
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> pcc.api
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> pcc.impl
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> prereq
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> prereqs.infra
02/27/2009 12:21 PM <DIR> pzn
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> pzn.ext
03/10/2009 07:18 AM <DIR> rational
02/27/2009 11:24 AM <DIR> reguninstall
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> search
02/27/2009 12:21 PM <DIR> shared
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> theme
03/10/2009 10:01 AM 90,115 theme.xml
02/27/2009 12:08 PM <DIR> ui
02/27/2009 11:23 AM <DIR> uninstall
03/06/2009 08:58 AM <DIR> version
02/27/2009 02:34 PM 273 wps.properties

Please note some important points

  • The log folder contains only install time logs. Runtime logs are moved to profile directory

  • Structure of shared lib is changed now shared/app directory has only few .jar fiels instead it has shared.app.jar which is empty .jar file. BUt if you look at the META-INF.MF of shared.app.jar it includes quite few .jar files

    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
    Created-By: 2.3 (IBM Corporation)
    Class-Path: ../../base/wp.resolver/wp.resolver.model.impl/shared/app/w
    p.resolver.model.impl.jar ../../lwp04.infra/sync.infra/syncmlbase/sha
    red/app/lotusworkplacelib/lwpSyncmlBase.jar ../../ext/common.ext/wpad
    apter/common/shared/app/lwp.portal.adapter.jar ../../base/wp.ai.rt.im
    pl/modification/shared/app/wp.ai.rt.impl.modification.jar ../../base/
    .impl.jar ../../base/wp.tpl.impl/shared/app/wp.tpl.impl.jar ../../bas
    e/wp.pe.api.standard/shared/app/wp.pe.api.standard.jar ../../base/wp.
    services.url/shared/app/wp.services.url.jar ../../cmapi/wp.contentapi
    //Includes few more .jar files

  • The shared/ext has very few .jar files and it contains shared.ext.jar file which is empty jar but it uses the META-INF.MF to add quite few .jar files to the class path.

    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5
    Created-By: 2.3 (IBM Corporation)
    Class-Path: ../../prereqs.infra/prereq.eclipse/shared/ext/eclipse-runt
    ime.jar ../../prereqs.infra/prereq.eclipse/shared/ext/org.eclipse.cor
    e.resources_3.1.0.jar ../../prereqs.infra/prereq.eclipse/shared/ext/o
    rg.eclipse.osgi_3.1.0.jar ../../base/wp.base/shared/ext/wp.base.ext.j
    ar ../../base/wp.base/shared/ext/wp.jndi.jar ../../prereq/prereq.dhar
    ma/shared/ext/html-parser-1.4.4.jar ../../base/wp.collaborator/shared
    /ext/wp.collaborator.jar ../../base/wp.propertybroker.common/shared/e
    xt/wsdl4jpbext.jar ../../prereqs.infra/prereq.jdom_1.0/shared/ext/jdo

  • you will see quite few new directories like base, ui, ap, base, search. Each of these directories is used to group set of related jars. Ex. ui directory has .jars related to theme, tags, struts, property broker, wcl(widget component library). If you drill further you will notice that each of these .jar file has similar structures the shared/app would have .jar file the config folder would have configuration for that .jar the .html and .xml file would have i18n messages. The shared.app.jar has references to these .jar files

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