Taking closer look at PumaStoreService.properties

By default, WebSphere Portal generates common names that consists of the user's first name followed by the last name. You can change the order that common names are generated. When you login into the portal, you should be able to see name of the logged in user in banner.

If you want you can change how the user's display name is generated. You can change it by setting few properties in WP PumaStoreService service. Set following properties

  • store.puma_default.puma.commonname = ( {0} {1} ):
    Portal User Management can generate the common name (CN) of a user automatically. This property defines how the CN is generated. You can define dynamic and static parts. Dynamic parts are added by using {X}, where X stands as a reference number to the puma.commonname.X that defines the attribute that you want to place here. Dynamic parts can only be user attributes that are available and valid. The default is {0} {1}.

  • store.puma_default.puma.commonname.parts =
    Defines the number of dynamic parts in the common name.

  • store.puma_default.puma.commonname.X =
    The user attribute for dynamic part X. X must be between 0 and puma.commonname.parts -1. The default is puma.commonname.0 = givenname and puma.commonname.1 = sn.

I made changes to the common name so that it displays like ( <lastname> <firstname> ). By setting these values in the WAS Admin Console

I followed Puma Store Services document to make this change. After making this change i tried registering one new user in File System and it looks like the common name of the user is stored in the fileRegistry.xml. And once the common name is stored changing the configuration of how common name is generated in WAS admin console does not affect it.

<wim:entities xsi:type="wim:PersonAccount">
<wim:identifier externalId="5ec993ef-1287-4df6-a1fa-6c388b6bdf20" externalName="uid=sunil,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"
uniqueId="5ec993ef-1287-4df6-a1fa-6c388b6bdf20" uniqueName="uid=sunil,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/>
<wim:identifier uniqueName="o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/>
<wim:cn>Sunil Patil</wim:cn>
<wim:entities xsi:type="wim:PersonAccount">
<wim:identifier externalId="ec678840-a053-4acd-8205-1bce51a14df9" externalName="uid=Jiya,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"
uniqueId="ec678840-a053-4acd-8205-1bce51a14df9" uniqueName="uid=Jiya,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/>
<wim:identifier uniqueName="o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/>
<wim:cn>( Patil Jiya )</wim:cn>

Take a look at my wimconfig.xml file, i registered Sunil Patil as user with default configuration of store.puma_default.puma.commonname.parts, so the cn attribute is stored as Sunil Patil. THen i change the value of store.puma_default.puma.commonname.parts to ( {0} {1} ) and did register Jiya Patil as user so her name was stored as ( Patil Jiya ) in the fileRegistry.xml.
After registering user if i change the value of store.puma_default.puma.commonname.parts, it does not affect actual display value in the portal. Also i tried to login with user which is stored in LDAP and value of its cn attribute is displayed.

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