Application performance consideration - Asynchronous architecture

Consider asynchronous architecture when possible because that supports optimial scheduling of workloads and minimal server resrouce.

An example of this difference is an application that enables you to submit a purchase order, enables you to continue while the system validates the order, queries remote systems, and in the future informs you of the purchase order status. This example can be implemented synchronously with the client waiting for the response. The synchronous implementation requires application server resources and you wait until the entire operations complete. If the process enables you to continue, while the result is computed asynchronously, the application server can schedule the processing to occur when it is optimal in relation to other requests. The notification to you can be triggered through e-mail or some other interface within the application.

WebSphere Application Server supports asynchronous programming through J2EE Java Message Service (JMS) and message-driven beans (MDB) as well as asynchronous beans

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