I am using As3FlickrLib library for building my code,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955"
minHeight="600" creationComplete="init()">
import adobe.utils.CustomActions;
import com.adobe.webapis.flickr.AuthPerm;
import com.adobe.webapis.flickr.FlickrService;
import com.adobe.webapis.flickr.PagedPhotoList;
import com.adobe.webapis.flickr.Photo;
import com.adobe.webapis.flickr.events.FlickrResultEvent;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import mx.logging.Log;
import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;
import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;
public var flickr:FlickrService = new FlickrService("ReplaceWithYourFlickerKey");
private function initLogging():void {
var logTarget:TraceTarget = new TraceTarget();
logTarget.level = LogEventLevel.ALL;
public function init():void{
trace("After enabling logging");
flickr.addEventListener (FlickrResultEvent.AUTH_GET_FROB, onGetFrob);
public function onGetFrob (event : FlickrResultEvent) : void{
if (event.success){
var frob : String = event.data.frob as String;
var authURL : String = flickr.getLoginURL (frob, AuthPerm.READ);
public function showRecent(e:Object):void{
trace("Inside showPhotoDetail "+ e)
var photoList:PagedPhotoList = e.data.photos;
trace("Paged Photo List "+ photoList);
var photos:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
for( var i = 1 ; i < 40 ; i++){
var photo:Photo = photoList.photos[i];
var photoUrl:String ='http://static.flickr.com/' +
photo.server+ '/' + photo.id + '_' + photo.secret + '_t.jpg';
imageDisplay.dataProvider = photos;
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Panel x="0" y="0" width="600" height="500" title="Flickr Demo">
<s:List id="imageDisplay" width="530"
height="400" x="0" y="0">
<s:TileLayout requestedColumnCount="5" requestedRowCount="8"
horizontalGap="2" verticalGap="2"/>
<mx:Image source="{data}"
height="100" width="100" />
In order to use Flickr Service you will need a Flickr API key, you can get it from here , once you have it, you can replace the
in sample code with your key and ReplaceWithYourFlickerSecret
in sample code with your secret.Before you start using FlickrService you will have to authenticate with the service, you can do that by using following code
public var flickr:FlickrService = new FlickrService("ReplaceWithYourFlickerKey");
flickr.addEventListener (FlickrResultEvent.AUTH_GET_FROB, onGetFrob);
Create object of
by passing your developer key, then set the secret property equal to value of secret you got from Flickr, Once that is done add a event listener for FlickrResultEvent.AUTH_GET_FROB
and call the flickr.auth.getFrob()
, this will result in Authentication call being made to Flickr Service, with your key and secret and the response will return a frob value like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
After you get response for the frob, you can start making the actual calls to get data from service, in my case i wanted to keep this application very simple so i am making call to get all the recent additions to flickr and displaying it using this code
public function onGetFrob (event : FlickrResultEvent) : void{
if (event.success){
var frob : String = event.data.frob as String;
var authURL : String = flickr.getLoginURL (frob, AuthPerm.READ);
public function showRecent(e:Object):void{
trace("Inside showPhotoDetail "+ e)
var photoList:PagedPhotoList = e.data.photos;
trace("Paged Photo List "+ photoList);
var photos:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
for( var i = 1 ; i < 40 ; i++){
var photo:Photo = photoList.photos[i];
var photoUrl:String ='http://static.flickr.com/' +
photo.server+ '/' + photo.id + '_' + photo.secret + '_t.jpg';
imageDisplay.dataProvider = photos;
As you can see after getting authentication i am attaching event listener for
event and then making call to get flickr.photos.getRecent()
recent photos, This results in following HTTP request to flickr service
And response is XML feed with information about recently added photos like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
<photos page="1" pages="10" perpage="100" total="1000">
<photo id="4563046917" owner="19673208@N08" secret="2e8188f6e7" server="4052"
farm="5" title="DSCN0379" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
<photo id="4563047015" owner="8867627@N07" secret="16e4c986a6" server="3375"
farm="4" title="red blossom" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" />
I am iterating through the feed and creating URLs to the photos.
Note: If you want to call any other method of FlickrService you can find the corresponding Event name and method name and use them to call the service
ReplyDeleteI am currently working on a flex application with Tomcat as a/p server. Now I want to migrate my application to websphere. But on websphere I am not able to call the remote java class.
Can you share your web.xml, services-config.xml etc.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for info....
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