The PortletServingServlet service

A simple portal framework is provided by the PortletServingServlet servlet. The PortletServingServlet servlet registers itself for each Web application that contains portlets. You can use the PortletServingServlet servlet to directly render a portlet into a full browser page by a URL request and invoke each portlet by its context root and name. See Portlet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addressability for additional information. If you want to aggregate multiple portlets on the page, you need to use the aggregation tag library. The PortletServingServlet servlet can be disabled in an extended portlet deployment descriptor called the ibm-portlet-ext.xmi file.

Extensions for the portlet deployment descriptor are defined within a file called ibm-portlet-ext.xmi. This deployment descriptor is an optional descriptor that you can use to configure WebSphere extensions for the portlet application and its portlets. For example, you can disable the PortletServingServlet servlet for the portlet application in the extended portlet deployment descriptor.

The ibm-portlet-ext.xmi extension file is loaded during application startup. If there are no extension files specified with this setting, the portlet container’s default values are used.

The default for the portletServingEnabled attribute is true. The following is an example of how to configure that a PortletServingServlet servlet is not created for any portlet on the portlet application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portletappext:PortletApplicationExtension xmi:version="1.0"
<portletappext:portletApplication href="WEB-INF/portlet.xml#myPortletApp"/>