Using webdav-deploy-zip-file task

In the How to publish iWidget xml in the WebDav store entry i blogged about how to publish a widget xml file to WebDav store, there is one more alternative to achieve same thing

You can zip your widget xml and corresponding .js files into a .zip file, Example i did zip .xml and .js file for MyPreferences widget into c:/temp/ file

Then i used following configuration task to deploy the widget .xml and .js file onto WebDav

ConfigEngine.bat webdav-deploy-zip
-file -DZipFilePath=c:/temp/ -DTargetURI=dav:fs-type1/iwidgets/

After deployment i used the AnyClient WebDav client to see the content of the WebDav and i could see that content of file was expanded on WebDav folder like this

Now i can use following configuration task to register the MyPreferences widget

ConfigEngine.bat register-iwidget-
definition -DIWidgetDefinition=dav:fs-type1/iwidgets/MyPreference/MyPreferences.
xml -DPorteltUniqueName=webspherenotes.MyPreferences


Unknown said...

Sunil - I am having difficulty where wsadmin script is picking up the wrong value for hostInJMX. Most of the time ConfigEngine uses * for hostInJMX. Why is webdav-deploy-zip-file different and how do we control it?

Abhi said...

Thanks for info
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