Installation log files for Lotus Connections

Installing Lotus Connections is multiple step process, you have to install different software and it generates logs in different places, so if something goes wrong you will have to open corresponding log file to figure out what went wrong and fix the problem

  • WebSphere Application Server:When your installing WebSphere application server it will generate the install logs file in the WebSphere\AppServer\logs\install directory

    Take a look at Trouble shooting was installation for more information on how to trouble shoot was installation

  • WebSphere HTTP Server:When you install HTTP server the log files get created in the E:\IBM\HTTPServer\logs\install directory

  • Http Server plug-in installation:The logs for HTTP server plugin installations get created in the E:\IBM\HTTPServer\Plugins\logs\install directory like this

  • Database creation: Before you start the Lotus Connections install you will have to create Lotus Connections database using dbwizard.bat or, this step creates different databases and populates them by running set of SQL scripts. YOu can find the main log in C:\Documents and Settings\lcuser\lcWizard\log\dbWizard

    Each of the log files has detailed list of SQL commands that it is executing. Also the dbWizard lets you save the list of SQL files that it is going to execute, you should save it before starting dbWizard, you might want to manually re-execute the SQL if something fails, in my case it failed on last grantApps.ddl for forums so i executed it manually and it worked.

  • Migrating User population: After creating database first step is to import the user population from the LDAP server into database and for that we execute the populationWizard.bat, when you do that it generates log file files in C:\Documents and Settings\lcuser\lcWizard\log\tdi directory like this

  • Lotus Connections install: The last step in Lotus Connections install is installing Lotus connection, which installs bunch of ear files and executes some wsadmin scripts, you can find the logs for install in E:\IBM\LotusConnections\logs directory like this