If you want to open a PMR with IBM support then you should also mention what is the version of the product that you have installed. Now question is how to figure out the current version of portal and what all fixes are installed in your environment. There are several ways to do that.1) From SystemOut.log file -> At the time of starting websphere portal server writes current version of the portal and names of the fixes installed in SystemOut. This is sample from my environment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM WebSphere Portal Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5724-E76 and 5655-R17 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2006 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build Level: wp6014_010_01 (2008-08-01 12:24) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[10/4/08 1:10:34:486 EDT] 00000014 ProductServic I com.ibm.wps.services.product.ProductServiceImpl findInstalledFixes EJPFD0051I: The following fix packs have been installed: WP_PTF_6014 (IBM WebSphere Portal, Version Fix Pack)[10/4/08 1:10:34:770 EDT] 00000014 ProductServic I com.ibm.wps.services.product.ProductServiceImpl findInstalledFixes EJPFD0053I: The following fix packs have been installed: PK65130 (Invalid transaction sequence error when administering composite applications) PK70764 (Incorrect Policy type error is not propogated to UI.) PK68128 (Fix for PK68128) PK68469 (XMLAccess does not maintain ObjectIDs of WSRP consumed portlets) PK70141 (UNABLE TO CREATE A DRAFT FROM PUBLISH CONTENT WITH WCM DUE TO JCR EXCEPTION. PROBLEM OCCURS WITH SQL SERVER 2005 ONLY) PK64433 ( RCSS - Support displaying scope locations label in Manage Search admin portlet) PK70179 (ReleaseBuilder does not remove skinref definitions) PK68184 (Theme Policy Tracing needs improvement) PK68030 (Siteminder prevents managepages search URL being accepted) PK68278 (Improve hash code computation for ObjectIDs of migrated resources) PK68669 (Memory leak in XMLAccess)
2) There are some command line utilities that you can use
- portal_base/bin/WPVersionInfo.sh: This command will print current version of portal on as output on command line. You can use it for finding it out the fix pack or portal version level Ex. This utility does not specify name of the individual fixes ex. PK68278 installed in your environment
- portal_base/bin/genVersionReport.sh: This command will generate a html report in your bin directory. This html file will list all the fix packs and fixes that are installed in your environment along with the time of installation. Take a look at sample versionReport.html
- portal_base/bin/genHistoryReport.sh: This command will generate a html report in your bin directory. This html file will list all the fix packs and fixes that are installed/uninstalled in your environment along with the time of installation/uninstallation. This file provides you good feedback on what fixes you installed and then uninstalled. Take a look at sample historyReport.html
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