Two kinds of role blocks exist:
- Inheritance blocks: prevent a resource from acquiring role assignments from parent resources. Visualize this as inserting a block above the resource.
- Propagation blocks: prevent a resource from extending role assignments to child resources. Visualize this as inserting a block below the resource.
There could be situations where you dont want user to inherit roles. Ex. In this diagram Bob has Editor Role on Market News Page and because of inheritance he will get Editor role for both Eurpoean Market News Page and USA Market News Page. If you want you can block his role inheritance at European Market News Page, so that he does not get Editor role for either Eurpoean Market News Page or pages below it.
You can block roles using Resource Permissions Portlet like this
In this i am blocking Editor Role from being inherited from its parent. Similarly if you want to make John Doe editor of "Parallel Rendering Portlet" page you can un check Allow Propagation check box for Editor role
A role block is role type specific and tied to a specific resource. For example, an inheritance block for roles of type Editor on the Europe Market News page ensures that the Europe Market News page does not inherit any Editor role assignments from its parent resource, the Market News page. This role block does not affect inheritance of other role types. For example, Manager roles are still inherited. So, all users with the Manager@Market News Page role inherit the Manager@Europe Market News Page role unless a separate role block for the Manager role type exists.
Role blocks for roles of type Administrator and Security Administrator can only be inserted or removed through the XML configuration interface. For example, if Mary has the Administrator@Market News Page role, and the USA Market News Page is a child of the Market News Page, Mary automatically has the Administrator@USA Market News Page role. The Administrator@USA Market News Page role cannot be blocked with an inheritance or a propagation block set through the Portal Scripting Interface, or the User and Group Permissions or Resource Permissions portlets
All role types (including the Administrator and Security Administrator roles) are automatically blocked for the following types of resources:
- Private pages
- Externalized resources that have an internal parent resource
- Internal resources that have an externalized parent resource
For example, if access to the Market News page is controlled internally by WebSphere Portal , and the USA Market News Page is controlled externally by IBM Tivoli® Access Manager for e-business, none of the roles on the Market News Page are inherited by the USA Market News Page. So, if Mary has the role Editor@Market News Page, she does not automatically get the role Editor@USA Market News Page because the USA Market News page is managed externally. If both the Market News page and the USA Market News page are managed externally (or if both are managed internally), Mary inherits the role Editor@USA Market News Page unless a role block is used. In general, there is never any inheritance between two resources that differ in their externalization state. In other words, an externally protected resource never inherits from an internally protected resource and vice versa.
1 comment:
Hi Sunil,
Do you know if it is possible to set an inheritance or propagation block programmaticaly on a content node like a portal page?
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