Migrate virtual portal

If you plan to migrate any virtual portals that exist in your earlier WebSphere Portal environment, use the create-virtual-portal ConfigEngine task to recreate each virtual portal with the corresponding name and URL context in the new environment. You can do this any time prior to running the portal-post-upgrade task to import the virtual portals.

Important: While creating the Virtual portal, do not use the UI, it needs to be created using the command line. Also, once you create it, do not import/add/create anything into this newly created Virtual portal.
Here is an example of creating virtual portal using command line

ConfigEngine.bat create-virtual-portal -DVirtualPortalTitle=xxx -DVirtualPortalContext=xxx -DPortalAdminId=xxx -DPortalAdminPwd=xxx -DWasUserid=xxx

During the pre upgrade stage, execute one portal-pre-upgrade task for each virutal portal. With value of -DVirtualPortal equal to value of the URL context of the virutal portal

WPmigrate.bat portal-pre-upgrade
-DcurrentPortalAdminId=wsadmin -DcurrentPortalAdminPwd=wsadmin
-DDbPassword=db2admin -DgroupExport="true" -DVirtualPortal=test

When you execute this task the WPMigrate command will create C:\mybackup\PortalServer\migration\work\vp-test folder and that directory should have three files allout.xml, vrout.xml and testexport.xml. Check the allout.xml file to make sure that there are no error or warning messages.

Once the main portal is migrated, you will have to execute the portal-post-upgrade task for every virtual portal to migrate that virutal portal to the WPS Execute the following command to do that

migration>WPmigrate.bat portal-post-upgrade
-DbackupDirectory= C:\mybackup -DPortalAdminId=wpadmin
-DPortalAdminPwd=wsadmin -DWasUserid=wsadmin
-DoldProfile=wp_profile -DprofileName=wp_profile

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