Steps for setting up horizontal cluster

I followed the steps defined in A Step-By-Step Guide to Configuring a WebSphere Portal v6.1.0.0 Cluster using WebSphere Application Server v6.1.0.15 document for setting up 2 node horizontal cluster.

These are the high level steps

  1. Install Deployment manager. Check Enable administrative security check box

  2. Configure Deployment Manager: Change the request timeout for SOAP, Web Container Chain,.. Also create a WebSphere Portal Admin user in the local file system based repository using WAS Admin Console.

  3. Install Standalone portal server. This portal install will act as primary portal node.

  4. Configure the websphere portal server to use external database.

  5. Federate and cluster the primary portal node

  6. Collect files from portal node using ConfigEngine.bat collect-files-for-dmgr task

  7. Copy the from primary node to DMGR

  8. Expand the on DMGR and copy content to appropriate directories

  9. Add node to the deployment manager by executing following command on the primary portal node ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-pre-federation

  10. Update the deployment manager configuration for new WPS by executing the following command ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-post-federation

  11. Create the cluster definition and add the WebSphere_Portal server as a cluster member by executing following command ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-cluster-setup

  12. Install Standalone portal server on secondary portal server

  13. Copy database configuration from primary node to secondary node

  14. Add node to the deployment manager by executing ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-pre-federation command

  15. Update the deployment manager configuration for the new WebSphere Portal server by executing the following ConfigEngine script: ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-post-federation

  16. Add this newly federated WebSphere_Portal server as a cluster member to the existing cluster by executing the following ConfigEngine script: ConfigEngine.bat cluster-node-config-cluster-setup