Portlet Help does not working after Optimizing development environment

You can optimize the development environment by following the instructions inOptimize Development Environment.

When you optimized the development environment the configuration script will delay the activation of the target portlet or application till it is accessed instead of activating it on the server startup.

I enabled development mode on my environment but once i did that when i tried access the help page for one of the admin portlets i started getting an error like this.

Problem is that the enable-develop-mode-startup-performance config task disables the auto startup of the IEHS.war file. This enterprise application is responsible for displaying HELP. You can either go to WAS admin console and explicitly start this application or add its name to profile\PortalServer\config\StartupPerformance\wp.base_ProfileEarAttributesTargetMapExclList.jacl and re execute the enable-develop-mode-startup-performance configuration task.

The Help for Admin Portlets is displayed using the IBM HELP system and you can find the actual Html pages in wp_profile\installedApps\sunpa\IEHS_war.ear\IEHS.war\WEB-INF\lib\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.wp.admin.help\doc.zip file

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