Profile Types

Cell Profile

Cell profiles are actually two profiles in one. You get a deployment manager profile and a federated application server profile. You have a choice whether to install Samples and the default application. The default application provides an application server called server1 and an enterprise application called Default Application. Both the Samples and the default application provide servlets that you can run in a Web browser to test your installation.

Deployment Manager Profile

The deployment manager is special type of application server that hosts administrative console and has functionality to administer the application servers that are federated into cell. All the cell level configuration is stored in the deployment manager profile. It also has the master copy of the application servers, node agents. The Deployment manager profile will have master copy of all the installed applications.

Important Note Applications are installed at the the cell level.

Application Server profile

Application server profile contains configuration information for one managed server. It will has information about server level resources and configuration. It will also have copy of the installed application

Custom Profile

Custom profiles are empty nodes that are made operational by adding a deployment manager cell. After adding the node, use the administrative console for the deployment manager to customize the node. For example, create application servers on the node or clusters. A custom node does not include a server1 process as an application server node does. Nor does it include the default application or any Sample applications. It is truly an empty node that you must customize.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for profiles types post!