To configure memory-to-memory replication for session manager

You can configure distributed session to use memory-to-memory to replication. Once you configure that whenever WAS creates a HTTPSesion it replicates the session data to other application server in the cluster and if for some reason the server where you created session gets down you can access the data from other session.

If you used created a replication domain while creating cluster every thing that is needed for memory-to-memory replication for HTTPSession is already configured and you dont have to make any changes.

But if you did not do that at the time of cluster creation then you will have to follow these steps

  1. Create a Replication domain using WAS Admin Console, like this

  2. Follow these steps for each application server in your cluster, In the WAS Admin Console, go to Servers > Application servers > server_name > Container Settings > Web Container Settings > Session management

    Click Memory to Memory replication radio box and click on the link

  3. On the next screen Replication domain and the Replication mode as both client and server like this

Now your cluster is configured to use Memory to Memory replication for session distribution

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